Anomaly Detection

Find, evaluate and leverage anomalies. In advance. Make the right pricing decisions, with the power of AI and machine learning.

Less work AND less risk

Detect anomalies at a glance

For hoteliers and revenue management teams, anomalies are of crucial importance. Market changes must therefore be permanently monitored: Price, demand, occupancy and so on.  

In concrete terms, that meant a lot of work. And still a lot of risk.
That's over.

365 days ahead

See market anomalies ...

... and make the right price decisions.

Anomaly Heatmap

See and rank all market anomalies for the next 365 days at a glance with the heatmap widget.

Anomaly Feed

Analyze all anomalies in depth, sort by Prio, Leadtime or 'newly added' and filter by category.

6 anomalies at a glance

Demand changes, 'following' competitors, rate changes, LOS changes, occupancy gaps, and pickup OTB – more to come!

In the hotel industry, and in revenue management, anomalies - formally speaking - simply mean a deviation from the trend, an incalculability. And therefore a risk.

The conclusion: If you make anomalies calculable, they lose their risk - i.e. their horror. 

For hoteliers and revenue management teams, anomalies are of crucial importance. Market changes must therefore be constantly monitored: Price, demand, occupancy and so on.  

This makes a lot of work - but does not reduce the entrepreneurial risk! 

Because revenue managers have to dive deep into analysis to find days with unusual market/booking behavior. But they often overlook these days, especially if they are far in the future.

The HQ revenue anomaly widgets now put an end to this.


The Nitty Gritty

Anomaly Detection

Choose a demo date now and see for yourself!